Tell a friend…

GSO FriendSo, in our latest SIR report we note that about 50% of attacks we see require some form of user interaction, more and more criminals are using confidence tricks either online or the telephone to target “us” and get our money.  

The reality is that the best defence to these type of attacks is personal awareness that the problem exists; sure IE9 and other modern browser can help protect you as can AV, having a strong password and staying current on all your software and keeping them updated all help, but, all those defences are not present when a criminal phones you up claiming to be from reputable company offering you support, just to be clear we will not phone you and nor will any of our partners offering support for a fee.

If you are a consumer and you think you have a security problem use this link:

or to contact us more generally look here:

cut and paste them into your browser. 

Next week is Get Safe Online week, it’s about promoting awareness of these issues, helping people, and business be “safer online”. Be aware, tell a friend and get them to go and read , who knows if we can get our friends to be safe online maybe we can get our businesses to be safe as well…

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